make the world a better place

On this Blog I'll show some good Ideas to Reuse old Stuff or even Trash.
I'll give you Tutorials and Ideas for creative and also not so creative people.
Come on it!

Monday, 13 August 2012

cat toy out of deodorant ball

My deodorant got empty an i thought i could make something out of it
 so i cutted the ball out and made a cat toy . 

how to:
you'll need a cutter to get the ball out of the deodorant

then i cut a hole in the ball and filled it with some rice.

last step is to put some feathers, or as i did, some wool (like you do it with easter eggs).
At least, if you want, you can paint it like a mouse ;)
i hope your cat will like it

and the rest of the deodorant can be used as little box for little things.
have fun being crafty :)

1 comment:

  1. Wie süß! Ein Baby-Blog, erst 2 Postings alt! Na, da wird die liebe Tante Kirstin mal ein Auge drauf haben und schauen, wie sich der Kleine so entwickelt. Freut mich, dass ich deine erste Leserin bin. Bei mir geht es übrigens auch gaaaanz viel um Upcycling.

    Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß und Erfolg mit deinem blog!

    Grüße von Kirstin


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